Seventh-day Adventist Church
2003 NAD Offering Call
“Becoming Faithful Stewards”

Date: July 19, 2003
Appeal: Local Church Budget

This morning if you have a dollar bill in your wallet or purse, would you please take it out and hold it up where you can see it. Now, look for the eagle with outstretched wings. Do you know why the eagle has his wings outstretched?

Someone has suggested that our national bird represented on the dollar bill has a valuable lesson to teach us about finances. Because a dollar isn’t worth very much, it easily flies out of our wallets and purses. In Proverbs 23:5 Solomon reminds us that our money often sprouts wings and flies away. “Don’t look longingly at wealth; riches often sprout wings and soars away like an eagle.” (TCW}

King Solomon reminds us of two ways that chasing after money is futile. [Ecclesiastes 5:15-20 TCWJ

One enters and leaves this world with nothing. “When a baby is
born, he comes into this world with nothing. When he dies, he leaves exactly as he came in.” (Vs 15)

2. He who strives after money will find that it often brings stress. “Much of what he gets out of life is stress and frustration, and often sickness, worry and resentment.” (Vs 17)

However, when we put money in its right perspective, it can be a blessing of God. “When God gives a man wealth, possessions and health, there is nothing wrong with it. They are gifts from God.”
(Vs 19)

Appeal text: “Take each day as a gift from God and be thankful.” [Ecclesiastes 5:20 TCW]