Seventh-day Adventist Church
2003 NAD Offering Call
“Becoming Faithful Stewards”

Date: January 4, 2003
Offering: Local Church Budget

Thomas Mannis is quoted as commenting on new beginnings with this remark: “Time has no divisions to mark its passage; there is never a thunderstorm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells.”

I don’t know about you, but I am very glad that every 365 days we have a chance to get up and begin again, As we start 2003, some new resolutions would be appropriate. Here are five that were printed in the Review a number of years ago:

I will spend more time with Jesus
I will be a source of strength, courage and cheer to others
I will be less judgmental and more charitable in my dealings with
I will be less sensitive, or “touchy,” in my contacts with others
I will do my part to participate in the revival that God wants for his
remnant church. (Review, 1967)

Ellen White in 1893 wrote similar words, “Let patience, long- suffering, kindness, and love become a part of your very being; then whatsoever things are pure and lovely and of good report will mature in your experience.” (My Life Today, pg 5) This year challenge yourself to stretch and grow, and in so doing reflect His likeness more fully.

Appeal text: “His great faithfulness is new every morning, as refreshing as the dew and as sure as the sunrise. The Lord is all I have, so I put my hope in Him.” [Lamentations 3:23-24 TCW]