Seventh-day Adventist Church
2003 NAD Offering Call
“Becoming Faithful Stewards”

May 31, 2003 Appeal: Local Conference Evangelism

The story is told of a bright young man who had been appointed the new manager of a prosperous bank in a small country town. He was to succeed a long-time, very successful older manager who had nurtured and built this bank during his forty years in that community. The day before the elderly banker was to retire, the new manger made an appointment to see him.

At the appointed hour the younger man met with the former president he was to succeed. After the usual greetings, the new manager came to the point with what he felt was the most important question, “Sir, if I am going to be as successful in the banking industry as you have been, what words of wisdom would you give
me?” The senior manager shot back his answer in a crisp, two word phrase, “Young man -- good decisions!”

The younger man was taken back by the brief answer, but recovered enough to ask, “How do I make these good decisions?” This time the senior executive replied, “Young fellow, just two words -- wrong decisions!”

The retiring bank manager put it in a nutshell when he stated the truth:
DECISIONS ARE THE SUM OF LIFE. Every day we make dozens of decisions. Admittedly, the majority are minor choices such as, “What will I wear to school or work today?” And occasionally we have to make long-range decisions such as, “How will I spend eternity?” As we return our tithes and offerings this morning, may it also be a decision based on biblical principles and not on feelings and impulses.

Offering Appeal: The offering today is to fund evangelism needs of our local church. Reaching our neighbors in the community with the love of God is the primary reason our church exists. Won’t you decide to invest in winning people for God’s kingdom today.