Seventh-day Adventist Church
2003 NAB Offering Call
“Becoming Faithful Stewards”

Date: November 1, 2003
Appeal: Local Church Budget

The majority of people spend time like they do money. One cent is not worth picking up if it left lying on a sidewalk. Too often they see a minute in the same way they see a penny. However, if you put enough of them together they can become quite valuable. Unfortunately, too many of us lose a great number of minutes because we have not yet learned the value of time.

Remember, a little time goes a long way. Next time you think, “Well it’s only five minutes!” Stop and think about what you could accomplish in just 300 seconds. Here are a few suggestions on what you can do in just five minutes: Write a thank you note to a friend, clean the bathroom sink, do a few stretching exercises, plan a family meal, pay a bill, feed your pet, water the inside plants, read a chapter of the Bible or write a check for your tithe and church budget.

Years ago, Ellen White reminded us how to use those valuable minutes:
“Upon the right improvement of our time depends our success. . . A few moments here and a few moments there, that might be frittered away in aimless talk; the morning hours so often wasted in bed; the time spent in traveling. . . the moments of waiting for those who are tardy in keeping an appointment . . . if a book were kept at hand, and these fragments of time were improved in study, reading, or careful thought, what might not be accomplished.” (Christ’s Object Lessons, pp. 342-344.)

Appeal text: “Make the most of every opportunity you have for doing good.” [Ephesians 5:16 TLB]