Seventh-day Adventist Church
2003 NAD Offering Call
“Becoming Faithful Stewards”

Date: October 4, 2003
Appeal: Local Church Budget

The story is told of a thief who one evening broke into the single- room apartment of the French novelist Honor de Balzac. The intruder, trying to avoid waking the novelist, calmly and quietly began to methodically pick the lock of the author’s desk, hoping to find a large sum of money.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by laughter from the bed, where Balzac had been observing the slow and methodical actions of the thief.

“Why are you laughing?” inquired the thief.

“I’m laughing because of the risk you have taken to find cash in my desk at night, when I, the legal owner, can never find any money by the light of day!”

Unfortunately, like the intruder in this quaint story, many individuals, and sometimes even Christians, look for wealth in the wrong place and eventually come up empty. Too often we fill that “God shaped” hole in our lives with material things rather than looking for the author of satisfaction, God himself.

Appeal text: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” [Matthew 6:33 NIV]