Seventh-day Adventist Church
2003 NAB Offering Call
“Becoming Faithful Stewards”

September 20, 2003 Appeal: Local Church Budget

In 1986 the Filipinos took to the streets of Manila by the thousands, and eventually drove out Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos from power. In their sudden haste to leave the country, they left many of their possessions behind. It is reported that Imelda left behind over 1,200 pairs of shoes, 427 designer dresses and 71 pairs of sunglasses.

This was extreme extravagance, because in this same country two out of
every three households lacked adequate sanitation, clothing, and food.
During their two decades in power the couple, reportedly, plundered over
$10 billion from their poverty stricken citizens.

As one looks at the lives of these two individuals, there is no question that their lives were filled with selfish gain and materialism. They had fallen into the sophistry of Satan. Ellen White writes about selfishness in these words:

“Satan’s aim has been to lead men to self first. . . Nations, families, and individuals are filled with the desire to make self the center. . . Selfishness is the strongest and most general of human impulses, the struggle of the soul between sympathy and covetousness is an unequal contest; for while selfishness is the strongest passion, love and benevolence are too often the weakest, and as a rule the evil gains the victory... The fruits of selfishness always reveal themselves in a neglect of duty, and a failure to use God’s entrusted gifts for the advancement of His work.” The end result is: “Christ will not permit one selfish person to enter the courts of heaven. No covetous person can pass through the pearly gates.” (Counsels on Stewardship, pages

Appeal text: “There is a grievous evil which I have seen under the sun;
riches being hoarded by their owner to his hurt.” [Eccl. 5:13]