Seventh-day Adventist Church
2003 NAB Offering Call
“Becoming Faithful Stewards”

March 29, 2003 Appeal: Spring Mission Appeal

During the period of the 1930’s, the Great Depression, it was the custom of New York Congressman, Sol Bloom, on his way to his office each morning to drop cents, nickels and dimes on the steps of the Capitol building. One day the congressional doorkeeper asked Congressman Bloom why he made it a habit to drop the coins each morning.

Sol Bloom explained it this way: “Let the little children find them when they come to the Capitol. In this Depression, someone has to show them that good things can happen.”

This story should remind us of another person, though briefly mentioned in Scriptures, who showed love by the good things that she did. In the little village of Joppa, “which is near Lydia, there lived a woman named Dorcas, whose good deeds had made her greatly beloved. She was a worthy disciple of Jesus, and her life was filled with acts of kindness. She knew who needed comfortable clothing and who needed sympathy, and she freely ministered to the poor and the sorrowful. Her skillful fingers were more active than her tongue.” (Acts of the Apostles, page 131)

This morning as we give to Spring Missions, may we not just drop coins into the offering plate, but may we make a definite decision to impact our community by being a blessing to others in our daily living.

Appeal text: “Be rich in good works. . be generous and ready to share.” [1 Timothy 6:18 NAS]