Merrimack Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church

You are hereWorship Preview for November 9

Worship Preview for November 9

By Steven Dovich - Posted on 08 November 2002

Submission by Dan Martella

Welcome to worship! Let us worship together in God's house on God's day in God's way.

Merrimack Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church
November 9, 2002
Worship Celebration
House of the Lord
Gathering to Worship
Organ Prelude Marianne Wiacek
Worship Host Greetings Joanie Reiss
Praising His Name
Praise Songs Steven Dovich & Lance Forrester
We Have Come Into His House
I Worship You, Almighty God
O Worship the King
Congregational Prayer Joanie Reiss
Church Alive Louise Ford
Gifts of Worship Margarita Santana
World Mission Budget/Annual Sacrifice
Proclaiming the Word
Children's Corner Sarah Moynihan
Scripture Lesson Elizabeth de Jesus
How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place, # 698
Worship In Song Ashley Moynihan
Turning Into Dad
Sabbath Message Gustav Mergenthaler, Warren Saxton, Jeanette Voltaire, Lance Forester, Chali Masotta, & Joanie Reiss
Worship in the House of God
Dedicating Our Lives
Song of Dedication 7
The Lord in Zion Reigneth
Prayer of Dedication/Benediction Joanie Reiss
Postlude Marianne Wiacek

Welcome to the Merrimack Valley Church! Let us worship together in God's house on God's day in God's way.

The Youth Bible Study Group will meet this afternoon at 3:00.

A Family Game Night will begin this evening at 4:00 with sundown vespers. A pizza supper and group games will be provided. Bring your favorite board game. Bring your family and friends.

The Conference Constituency Meeting will be held tomorrow at Camp Winnekeag. Our MVC delegates are Michael Casadine, Ron Holiman, Karen McClendon, and Jay Wiacek. Please remember this session in your prayers.

The Church Board will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30.

The Midweek Connection will meet Wednesday evening at 7:00 to begin a new series of studies and prayer fellowship.

The Pathfinders will meet Wednesday evening at 6:30. Wear field uniforms.

The Dracut Community Choir needs your voice for the Community Thanksgiving service on November 24th. Rehearsals are Thursday November 14th, 8:00 p.m. at Christ Church United, and 6:30 p.m. November 24th at Merrimack Valley SDA Church. Please let Sherri Dovich know if you are planning to participate.

The Spiritual Body Building Class will meet on Friday evening at 7:30

Next Sabbath the Pastor will share the final installment in his series of Christian stewardship messages. The Youth Bible Study Group will meet in the afternoon and the fruit delivery will be available in the evening.

The Secret Sister Brunch will be held on Sunday, November 17 at 10:00 am. Bring your favorite brunch foods and a gift for your secret sister.

Thank You for your continuing support for Heidi and Jeff's mission trip to Mexico this coming February. Your donation can be marked "Martella Mission Fund".

The Billerica Church is looking to hire a pianist/organist for their Sabbath services. Interested parties can contact Dr. Guy Sciortino at 781.279.4783 or

There is a Job Opening for a secretary in the Secretariat at the Conference
office. Needed are computer skills, attention to detail, organizational
skills, self-motivation and initiative. Qualified individuals may contact the office, 978.365.4551, for more details and submit resumes to: Southern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Attn: Tom Verrill, PO Box 1169, South Lancaster, MA 01561.

The Six Myths in Evangelism:

  • One: Evangelism is a relic of the past? . . . it does not work in this post modern age.
  • Two: Public evangelism is a very expensive means of reaching people (truth is, in 6 -12 months tithe of new converts returns the investment in public evangelism)
  • Three: People are no longer interested in prophecy (but look at the sales record of "Left Behind")
  • Four: Evangelism only reaches churched people (Statistics show that Seventh-day Adventists are doing a better job of reaching the unchurched than any other denomination)
  • Five: Handbills with beasts turn people off (Again and again research has documented that beast handbills pull unchurched people -- though may not be preference of some Adventists!)
  • Six: Converts are gone in one year (Research has shown that this simply is not true ... in fact, Adventists have a better retention rate for new converts than any other denomination)

--Notes from a Russel Burrill presentation at NAD year-end meetings this week

The Giving Heart: A checkbook is a theological document-- it shows who and what you worship. --Billy Graham