Merrimack Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church

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In Mexico, Adventist churches, institutions resume normal operations

By Andreas Goelzer - Posted on 02 June 2009

.mt-image-right {margin:0px!important;}.mt-image-left {margin:0px!important;} Students at the Soledad Acevedo de Ios Reyes Adventist school in Northeast Mexico enjoy recess soon after the country's government lifted a health alert, allowing schools nationwide to reopen. [photo: Benjamin Garcia/ANN] Seventh-day Adventist churches and schools in Mexico are open and operating normally a month after an alarming number of H1N1 flu cases in the country led its government to close schools and discourage large gatherings, such as church services.

"We are thankful that things are back to normal for our churches and schools in Mexico," said Israel Leito, president of the Adventist Church in Inter-America.

Letio credited precautions taken by local church leaders for safeguarding students and church members from outbreaks of the virus.

.mt-image-right {margin:0px!important;}.mt-image-left {margin:0px!important;} An Adventist congregation in South Mexico resumes worship after nearly two weeks of halted services due to a flu outbreak. [photo: courtesy South Mexican Union] The more than 2,500 Adventist churches in Mexico resumed worship services last month and Adventist-owned Montemorelos University graduation ceremonies proceeded at the university's church after the health alert was lifted.

Last week, world church administration announced travel to Mexico by church employees was no longer restricted.