Merrimack Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church

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Worship Preview for July 12

By Steven Dovich - Posted on 11 July 2003

Submission by Dan Martella

Welcome to worship! Today we especially welcome the Reiss and Watson family and friends who are gathered for Jennifer and Reginald's Wedding.

Merrimack Valley
Seventh-day Adventist Church
July 12, 2003
Love at Home
Gathering to Worship
Organ Prelude Ingrid Mergenthaler
Worship Host Greetings Gustav Mergenthaler
Praising His Name
Praise Songs align=right>Karen McClendon, Rita McCall & Gilda Newell
Jesus, Name Above All Names
Fairest Lord Jesus
Shine, Jesus Shine
A Christian Home
Congregational Prayer Gustav Mergenthaler
Church Alive Nancy Saxton
Gifts of Worship Gustav Mergenthaler
World Mission Budget/Women's Ministries
Offertory Ingrid Mergenthaler
Proclaiming the Word
Children's Corner Linda Martella
Scripture Lesson align=right>Andreas Goelzer
Love, #788
Worship in Song Heidi Martella
Sabbath Message Dan Martella
Three Ps in the Pod of Love
Dedicating Our Lives
Hymn of Dedication 652
Love at Home
Prayer of Dedication Dan Martella
Benediction Gustav Mergenthaler
Postlude Ingrid Mergenthaler

Welcome to Our Worship Services! Today we especially welcome the Reiss and Watson family and friends who are gathered for Jennifer and Reginald's Wedding tomorrow afternoon at 2:00. The entire church family is invited to share in this happy event.

A Haystack and Fruit Cobbler Potluck will be served immediately following the Worship Celebration today. All are welcomed!

The Summer Midweek Connection will begin this Wednesday evening at 7:00 with a series of studies in Steps to Christ hosted by Steven Dovich.

Next Sabbath our speaker will be Herminio Guevera.

The Pastor and his family will be on vacation July 14-29. Pastoral care needs can be referred to any of the church elders. Bulletin information should be given to Steven Dovich by Wednesday noon of each week.

Membership Transfer: Margarita Santana Velez, Elizabeth de Jesus, Evelyn de Jesus from the Lowell Spanish Church. First Reading.

Vacation Bible School

  • Registration forms are available at the Hosting Table.
  • Please invite your young friends to this important outreach event.
  • VBS set up sessions will be held on July 19 and 26, and on August 2.
  • Clear juice (Apple, white grape, white cranberry, etc.) donations will be accepted over the next several weeks.
  • Sandwiches will be needed to feed staff during the August 4 - 8 VBS.
  • Please bathe this important ministry with your prayers.

Jeff Hunt will be featured in gospel concert during our Sabbath Worship Celebration on July 26. Invite your friends to this fine presentation of Christian music.

Elder Frank Tochterman is the new President for the Southern New England Conference. Elder Tochterman is formerly the President of the Alberta Conference. He and his wife Sally hope to settle into their new home and ministry here by mid August.

From My Heart: Equal Sacrifice, Not Equal Giving has been one of the foundational principles of our church building program. While we could divide up the expenses for our new church and say to each family, "Here is your portion," that would hardly be right because we are not all equal in our financial ability. What we ask is that each family faithfully give what they can, and to give it with heart. -- DBM

June Financial Report

Church Budget
Received: $ 2,197.00
Needed: $ 2,800.00
Church Building Fund
Received: $ 1,691.00*
Needed: $ 3,534.00

*Includes $ 207.00 from the Children's Offering. June was a short month -- Let's catch up in July!