Merrimack Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church

You are hereWorship Preview for March 15

Worship Preview for March 15

By Steven Dovich - Posted on 14 March 2003

Submission by Dan Martella

Welcome to worship! Let us treasure these moments together as we worship Jesus our Lord in spirit and in truth.

Merrimack Valley
Seventh-day Adventist Church
March 15, 2003
Treasure the Table
Gathering to Worship
Organ Prelude Sherri Dovich
Worship Host Greetings Steven
Praising His Name
Praise Songs align=right>Rita McCall & Karen McClendon
Jesus Saves!
Cry of My Heart
Jesus Draw Me Close
Congregational Prayer Chali Masotta
Church Alive Linda Martella
Gifts of Worship Rita McCall
Church Budget
Proclaiming the Word
Children's Corner Sari Neang
Scripture Lesson align=right>Steven Dovich
1 Corinthians 11:23-33
Worship In Song align=right>Ingrid Mergenthaler & Linda Martella
Sabbath Message align=right>Dan Martella
Table Talk
Dedicating Our Lives
Hymn of Dedication align=right>409
Jesus Invites His Saints
Prayer of Dedication Dan Martella
Benediction Steven
Postlude Sherri Dovich

Welcome to Our Worship Services Today! Let us treasure these moments together as we worship Jesus our Lord in spirit and in truth.

This Afternoon:

  • Choir practice.
  • Junior and Youth Baptismal Classes at 3:00.

Video Bible School: has received 41 responses thus far. If you have a friend or family member that you would like to share these videos with or if you can help us deliver videos each week to those who have mailed in a request, please contact Sue Markin or Andreas Goelzer for more information.

Recommended For Service: 2003 Nominating Committee--Sherri Dovich (C), Bill Cady, Dale Cady, Michael Casadine, Blanche Castle, Kellywan Kan, and Jay Wiacek.

The Nominating Committee will meet Sunday morning from 10:00 - 12:00.

The Cooking School will continue on Monday evening at 6:45 with demonstrations on how to make vegetarian meatballs, roast, gluten, and salads. Bring your friends!

The Church Board will meet on Tuesday evening at 7:30. Agenda packets are available today.

The Pathfinders will meet on Wednesday evening
at 6:30. Wear field uniforms.

A New Midweek Connection series Over, Under, and Unemployed will focus on enduring hardship when you have been laid off. The study passage is 2 Timothy 1:1 - 2:13. Join us Wednesday evening at 7:30.

A Midweek Connection Over, Under, and
will meet Wednesday evening at 7:30. The
study this week Over My Head will be drawn from Psalm

The Spiritual Body Building Group will meet on
Friday evening at 7:00.

Next Sabbath Steven Dovich will speak about God's perfect peace in our hearts as we move through uncertain times. The Pastor will be at the Billerica Church.

The Awakening Spiritual Interest Seminar is coming to the Merrimack Valley Church on March 29 from 4:30 - 7:00 pm. In this seminar, Annie Kjaer, from Amazing Facts, will help you understand how God can use you to reach your friends for Him. In this seminar you will learn: How to reach the hostile and apathetic, the resistant and indifferent with the claims of the gospel; How to understand what is happening inside a person's heart; Seven ways to awaken spiritual interest; How to initiate conversations that will lead to a Bible study.

Church Shed Update: To date $ 2,071 has been raised for this important project. Another $ 491 is needed to meet our goal. Thank you for your generosity!

From My Heart: Let's suppose that Congress passed a law that at some unannounced point in the coming year the Japanese yen would become the official American currency. From then on your dollars would be worthless and the yen would rule. What would you do knowing that the big day was on the horizon? You would simplify your life, get along on as few dollars as possible, and convert as much of your money as possible into yen. You'd be ready for the big change. Can you see where this is going? Jesus is coming and after that the only thing that will count is the currency of Heaven. So it makes a lot of sense for us to invest just as much of our treasure as possible in the things that will outlast us. Through our giving and sharing we can be friends helping friends become fully devoted followers of Christ. --