Merrimack Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church

You are hereWorship Preview for February 1

Worship Preview for February 1

By Steven Dovich - Posted on 31 January 2003

Submission by Dan Martella

Welcome to worship! Enjoy the warmth of our friendship and hospitality as we unite in the worship of our God.

Merrimack Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church
Febuary 1, 2003
Worship Celebration
Open Heart, Open Home
Gathering to Worship
Organ Prelude Sherri Dovich
Worship Host Greetings Andreas Goelzer
Praising His Name
Praise Songs Dan & Linda Martella
Come, Thou Almighty King
Glorify Thy Name
Congregational Prayer Warren Saxton
Church Alive Louise Ford
Gifts of Worship Andreas Goelzer
Church Budget
Offertory Anthony Ashby
Proclaiming the Word
Children's Corner Jose Mortimer
Scripture Lesson Andreas Goelzer
Hebrews 13:1,2
Worship In Song Annette Paula
Sabbath Message Dan Martella
Given to Hospitality
Dedicating Our Lives
Worship in Song
Prayer of Dedication Dan Martella
Benediction Andreas Goelzer
Postlude Sherri Dovich

Welcome to Our Worship Services Today! Enjoy the warmth of our friendship and hospitality as we unite in the worship of our God.

This Afternoon:

  • Choir practice immediately following the worship service.
  • Cooking School organizational meeting with Juanita Ortiz.
  • Nursing Home Ministry.
  • Junior and Youth Baptismal Classes at 3:00.

Women’s Night Out will be launched Monday evening at 6:45. Today is the final opportunity to sign up for this event. —Contact Rita McCall. Please remember this important ministry in your prayers.

The Pathfinders will meet on Wednesday at 6:30 pm. Wear dress uniforms.

The Midweek Connection will meet on Wednesday evening at 7:30 for fellowship, Bible study (Acts 10:1-48), and prayer. The Spirit Driven Witness series will continue through February 19.

The Spiritual Body Building Group will meet on Friday evening at 7:00.

Next Sabbath we will celebrate Pathfinder Sabbath. Our speaker will be Sheldon Cooper, a popular youth revivalist. A potluck dinner will follow. The sign up sheet is on the fellowship hall bulletin board.

Power For Evangelism is a seminar focused on prayer and the Holy Spirit’s anointing as we prepare for the World to Win evangelism outreach this year. The seminar will be held next Sabbath at 2:00 pm in the Stoneham Church, and will be led by Pastor Dennis Smith (Pastor of New Haven and Stratford Churches) and Cindy Dewild (Conference Prayer Ministry Coordinator).

The Love Bin in the foyer is the place where you can leave canned food items to be used for families in immediate need.

Elder Gilbert Vega has been elected as the new President for the Southern New England Conference. Please remember him and his family in your prayers.

Anthony Ashby's Music Ministry is available on CD. If you are interested, please contact Anthony at home 603/421-9829, or via email at

Church Shed: $ 1,767 has been raised for the church storage shed. An additional $ 801 is needed to finish the project.

Church Finance Report For January:

Church Budget
Received: $ 2,306.00
Needed: $ 2,800.00
Church Building Fund
Received: $ 2,858.57
Needed: $ 3,534.00

From My Heart: I think the apostle Paul must have had the Merrimack Valley Church in mind when he said, the whole world is hearing about your faith. (Romans 1:8) The word is getting out. People struggling through church building programs in other parts of the country are asking, “What is your secret?” People across the valley and around the Greater Boston area are waking up to the fact that there is something very special about this church. Well, we know the truth. There’s nothing particularly special about us— It’s just that we have an awesome God who is at work in this church. He is stirring our hearts in revival, faith, and giving. And all the glory goes to Him! -- DBM