Merrimack Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church

You are hereWorship Preview for January 25

Worship Preview for January 25

By Steven Dovich - Posted on 24 January 2003

Submission by Dan Martella

Welcome to worship! Let us draw close to God in friendship and worship during these sacred hours.

Merrimack Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church
January 25, 2003
Worship Celebration
Friendship With Jesus
Gathering to Worship
Organ Prelude Marianne Wiacek
Worship Host Greetings Marge Patch
Praising His Name
Praise Songs Jean McKillop & Sue Markin
I’ve Found a Friend, #186
I Will Sing of Jesus’ Love, #183
Love Divine, #191
Congregational Prayer Marge Patch
Gifts of Worship Stanley McKillop
Religious Liberty
Proclaiming the Word
Children's Corner Carmen Guevara
Scripture Lesson Maxine Sears
Isaiah 45:9-11
Worship In Song Margarita Santana
Sabbath Message Andreas Goelzer
A Relationship With God
Dedicating Our Lives
Song of Dedication #526
Because He Lives
Prayer of Dedication Andreas Goelzer
Benediction Marge Patch
Postlude Marianne Wiacek

Welcome to Our Worship Services Today! Let us draw close to God in friendship and worship during these sacred hours.

Membership Transfer Recommendation: Herminio, Carmen, & Daniel Guevera from the Lowell Spanish Church. Second Reading.

Help Us Keep a Clean Church: Please do not leave candy wrappers and other trash items in the pews or hymnal racks. Thank you for your help.

Join the Choir that will provide the worship in song on February 15. A practice session will be held today following the worship service.

The Junior and Youth Baptismal Classes will meet this afternoon at 3:00.

A Church Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 28 at 7:30 to adopt the church budget for 2003 and address other church business matters.

The Pathfinder Meeting is Wednesday evening at 6:30. Wear field uniforms.

The New Midweek Connection Series, The Spirit Driven Witness, will meet on Wednesday evening at 7:00. This week’s study on One-On-One Power Witnessing will be drawn from Acts 8:26-40.

The Elders will meet on Thursday evening at 7:30.

The Spiritual Body Building Class will meet Friday evening at 7:00.

Next Sabbath the Pastor will speak on The Gift of Hospitality.

Say No To Casinos in Massachusetts: Call your state legislator at 617-722-2000 this coming week and tell your him/her that you do not want casinos in Massachusetts. Casinos will not solve the Massachusetts fiscal crisis. They will increase crime and negatively impact poor families.

Becoming A Contagious Christian, a seminar on friendship evangelism, will be offered beginning January 30. Learn how to make friends, start spiritual conversations, share your testimony, make a gospel presentation, help your friend make a decision for Christ, and answer objections. For more information contact Blanche Castle at 978/368-1134 or 978/368-2269.

The Love Bin in the foyer is the place where you can leave canned food items to be used for families in immediate need.

Power For Evangelism, a seminar on the Holy Spirit and the World to Win venture this year, will be shared by Dennis Smith and Cindy Dewild, will be held at the Stoneham Church at 2:00 pm on February 8.

A Cooking School Organization Meeting will be held following the February 1 worship service. A sign up sheet for those wishing to serve in this ministry can be found on the bulletin board. For more information contact Juanita Ortiz at 978/452-5972.

Church Shed: $ 1,567 has been raised for the church storage shed. An additional $ 1,001 is needed to finish the project.

A Heart To Give: "Thou shall not covet" is economic policy. When you get into a safe place you will become greedy. Your stuff will make you forget that it is all a gift! -- Walter Brueggemann