Merrimack Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church

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Worship Preview for December 28

By Steven Dovich - Posted on 27 December 2002

Submission by Steven J. Dovich

Welcome to worship! Let us renew our faith as we reflect on God’s blessings in the past year and anticipate His leading in our lives in the new year to come.

Merrimack Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church
December 28, 2002
Worship Celebration
Tell It To the World
Gathering to Worship
Organ Prelude Marianne Wiacek
Worship Host Greetings Steven Dovich
Praising His Name
Praise Songs Ingrid Mergenthaler & Marge Patch
In Moments Like These
Fairest Lord Jesus
The Sweetest Name of All
Tell Me the Story of Jesus
Congregational Prayer Martin Toeper
Gifts of Worship Chali Masotta
Conference Advance/Elementary Education
Proclaiming the Word
Children's Corner Steven Dovich
Scripture Lesson Esther Van Duinen
John 1:43-46
Worship In Song Jose Mortimer & Sherri Dovich
Sabbath Message Ike Dike
It Is Not a Secret To Be Hidden
Dedicating Our Lives
Song of Dedication 340
Jesus Saves
Prayer of Dedication Ike Dike
Benediction Steven Dovich
Postlude Marianne Wiacek

Welcome to Our Worship Services Today! Let us renew our faith as we reflect on God’s blessings in the past year and anticipate His leading in our lives in the new year to come.

Next Sabbath Dale Slongwhite will speak on the what and how of the Sabbath. The Nursing Home ministry and the Junior/Youth Baptismal Classes will meet in the afternoon.

Dear Church Family: Thank you for your many thoughtful cards and beautiful gifts shared during this Christmas season. The church gift basket stuffed with an assortment of gourmet treats will be especially enjoyed. We are grateful for our church family and the life we share together in Christ. May God bless you in the new year to come. --The Martellas

The Pastor and his family will be away on vacation until January 5. All pastoral care needs can be referred to the Church Elders. All bulletin information is to be given to Steven Dovich by Tuesday evening of each week.

Tithes and Offerings to be receipted for 2002 need to be turned in by Tuesday, December 31.

Storage Shed: Thank you for the $ 1,005 that has been raised for this important project. Another $ 1,500 is needed to complete the project.

Becoming A Contagious Christian, a seminar on friendship evangelism, will be offered beginning January 16. Learn how to make friends, start spiritual conversations, share your testimony, make a gospel presentation, help your friend make a decision for Christ, and answer objections. For more information contact Blanche Castle at 978/368-1134 or 978/368-2269.

The Giving Heart: A mother took her two children to the cinema early one evening. The tickets were priced at 6 dollars each. The children saw their mother open her purse, and take out a dollar bill. She piled them on the counter and pushed them under the window. Then she took three little pieces of cardboard in return, then led them into the theatre. The next Sabbath, she took her little daughter to church with her. When the offering was taken up, the child saw her mother open her purse, take out a five dollar bill, and put them on the plate as it passed by. As the organ played the soft, religious music, the little girl looked up into her mother's face, and said, "Mommy, church sure comes a lot cheaper than the movies, doesn't it?"