Merrimack Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church

You are hereWorship Preview for November 23

Worship Preview for November 23

By Steven Dovich - Posted on 22 November 2002

Submission by Dan Martella

Welcome to worship! Please join us for a special Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner immediately following the services today.

Merrimack Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church
November 23, 2002
Worship Celebration
Thanksgiving in My Heart
Gathering to Worship
Organ Prelude Sherri Dovich
Worship Host Greetings Andreas Goelzer
Praising His Name
Praise Songs Karen McClendon & Marge Patch
Let There Be Praise
Stand in the Congregation
Let All Things Now Living
Congregational Prayer Rufaro Gomwe
Church Alive Linda Martella
Gifts of Worship Andreas Goelzer
Conference Advance/Boston Van Ministry
Proclaiming the Word
Children's Corner Warren Saxton
Scripture Lesson Danielle Mortimer
O Come, Let Us Sing Unto the Lord, #699
Worship In Song Jose Mortimer
Sabbath Message Dan Martella
Dedicating Our Lives
Song of Dedication
Thank You Lord
Prayer of Dedication Dan Martella
Benediction Andreas Goelzer
Postlude Sherri Dovich

Welcome to Our Thanksgiving Worship Service! Please join us for a special Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner immediately following the services today.

This Afternoon the Pathfinders will deliver the Thanksgiving food baskets. The Youth Bible Study Group will meet afternoon at 3:00.

The Dracut Community Thanksgiving Celebration will be hosted by our church at 7:00 tomorrow evening. Refreshments for 200 are needed: Sweet breads, cookies, brownies, pastries, etc. The sign up sheet is on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board. Those participating in the choir will hold their final rehearsal that evening at 6:00.

The Southern New England Conference Office Open House and Adventist Book Center Fall Sale will be held tomorrow from 10:00 – 4:00.

Next Sabbath the speaker will be Blanche Castle. The Pastor will be at the Billerica Church.

Membership Transfer Recommendations: Amanda Mergenthaler, from Manchester, NH; Ricardo and Lia Rocha, from Lowell Portuguese. Second Reading.

To our MVC Family— Thank you for the flowers and cards that we have received to welcome our baby boy Dean Roderick Hodson. Your prayers and support are appreciated. You can visit our website with pictures of Dean at –- John and Jill Hodson

The Christmas Cantata Jesus, Our Emmanuel, will be performed by the Cantata Singers on Friday, December 6, at 7:00 pm. A freewill offering will be received for Christian education.

The Adult Christmas Party will be held at 6:00 pm on December 7 in the Mergenthaler home. Bring festive holiday foods such as hors d’oeuvres , munchies, and baked goods. Don’t forget to bring your gifts for the Yankee Swap. The party sign up sheet is on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board.

Citrus Fruit: The December order deadline for ruby red grapefruit, navel oranges, and Christmas tangerines is December 3. Fresh citrus fruit shipped straight from the Florida groves makes a delicious and nutritious gift for your family and friends, and wonderful eating for you too! Please contact Karen McClendon or Dale Cady for additional order forms or if you have any questions.

The Giving Heart: Money flows through our lives just like water – at times plentiful, at times a trickle. I believe that each one of us is, in effect, a glass, in that we can hold only so much; after that, the water goes down the drain. Some of us are larger glasses, some of us smaller, but we all have the capacity to receive plenty more than we need when we allow it. When you make an offering, the glass will be filled again and again and again. -- Suze Orman, The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom